Trading My Sorrows Cover

Trading My Sorrows Cover

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Why We Share Our Stories?

Why We Share Our Stories?

"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you."

Maya Angelou

In 2004, I lost my best friend and husband, David Woodbridge. I went into survival mode for a few years. I began to journal and record my grief moments and insights. It was a cathartic form of self-expression that allowed me to look at the experience again through new eyes and then hold against a standard: the Word of God.

"You have a unique message to deliver, a unique song to sing, a unique act of love to bestow. This message, this song, and this act of love have been entrusted exclusively to the one and only you." John Powell

After moving to Marion, Indiana, I found a group of ladies who met once a week for lunch to support each other. We all had one thing common: we were widows. This is the Young Widows Fellowship group. This is a safe group to share your hurts, frustrations, and even laughter on occasion. Some thought this type of group would be depressing for me. It has been the opposite. Vickie, Sharon and I never met each other’s husbands, but our stories of loss and after the funeral have similarities.

Whether the death of our spouse was expected or unexpected, there is pain. We were left to nurture and raise children, work full-time, and recover from our grief. We became a support system to each other, even when our friends and family could not understand. We had a common faith in the Lord that He would redeem all things.

We were there for each other through anniversaries, holidays, and special occasions. We even celebrated Valentine’s Day together. We reached out to others who became widows and offered encouragement.

"Live your life from your heart. Share from your heart. And your story will touch and heal people’s souls." Melody Beattie

After attending the Indianapolis Christian Writers Conference in 2008, I knew there was a need to share the stories of love and loss. After several rejections of the book proposal called “A Widow’s Heart”. The title was changed to “Trading My Sorrows for the Joy of the Lord”. This change resulted from 2 things: the inspiration from the upbeat tune of Darrell Evans music, “I’m Trading My Sorrows” and interviewing other widows and widowers who willingly shared their stories and journey through loss.

"Shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow." Swedish Proverb

“Sorrow is like a precious treasure, shown only to friends." African Proverb

“Joy and sorrow are next door neighbors.” German Proverb

That is why we share our sorrows and trade them for joy. I would love to hear your love story.

Jerry Woodbridge

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